
Showing posts from August 14, 2016


Patriotism Sohan Hatangadi Times of India 14 August 2016 Tomorrow is Independence Day. It is time for some reflection. There are instances when we complain about the conditions in our nation. Those who travel to the better countries of the world marvel at their public services, the cleanliness, the parks, play areas, efficient transportation system and the superior quality of their citizen’s lives. While we could compare ourselves with countries worse off than us it is natural to compare against the better ones. Sadly the number of countries worse off than us is far less than those better than us. The Human Development Index report published by the United Nations Development Programme, reporting based on the figures of 2014, ranks us at 130 out of 180 countries. This indicates that we are better off than 50 countries but worse off than 129 countries; certainly not a happy position to be in. Reason to be patriotic? We are now 9 days into the 2016 Olympics and a glance a...