The busy Blue Mormon

Recently in the hills near Vizag, a Blue Mormon butterfly feasted on the nectar of hibiscus. It flitted from flower to flower drinking for an hour or so. The Hibiscus gave the butterfly its nectar and in return the butterfly carried out its pollination duties diligently. It drank so much I wondered how it could still fly. I was hoping I had a bigger camera at hand but I did not. The sight was so pretty that I had to record it. I gave it a go with my phone camera and it seems to have come out all right. Thankfully the butterfly was quite focused on its task and did not bother to fly away even when I crept closer. As I left, I contemplated whether I would see this fluttering nectar guzzler again the next morning. What was its life span, as a butterfly, I wondered. Anyway I was overjoyed to watch this elegant little creature and am glad to share this little footage with you. SOHAN HATANGADI VIZAG


KP said…
Thanks Sohan for that happy glimpse of Mother Nature at work through your sharp eyes!

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